Kotor 2 armor restriction mod
Kotor 2 armor restriction mod

kotor 2 armor restriction mod

(for feat progression do not put it in override folder, instead copy over the featgain.Using the highly expensive Zal alloy, the Verpine have developed a suit without peer. To resolve this goto C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\workshop\content\208580\494176455 and remove store_daraala.utm ****EDIT 5**** Kamaitachis Epic Armours has a conflict with movie armor mods with the dantooine vendor ***EDIT 4*** I manually installed the WorkBench Crystal Attunement A mod from my workshop folder to my override folder to make room for Kamaitachi's Epic Armours ** EDIT 3, Jedi Temple on Coruscant was taken down by the uploader, also it is inompatible with the droid planet mod and extended feats and power mod :( ** **EDIT 2 The game was patched to fix Kreias missing voice lines so it's no longer needed as a mod** *EDIT I removed Canonical Exile 1.2 MOD, it was causing CTD's I've yet to determine why* Replaced with with Voice Kreia Mod, make sure to unsub from Canonical jedi and Manually remove it's folder* This method does not work for content that would overwrite another file already on your overide folder This will help keep you at or under the 5 cap and let you have more workshop mods. To help cope with the 5 cap, you can subscribe to a mod, find it's folder in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\workshop\content\208580\*FOLDERNAMENUMBER*\OVERIDE* and copy those files to your games overide folder, then unsubscribe. I'm looking for more workshop mods that are compatbile AND fun for the list to hit the 5 cap. This collection USED to use the hak_pad mod, but that mod CAN screw up how the game reads your characters level for loot drops AND the named crystal. I combine them with other mods which I'll link below. This is my collection of fully TSLRCM compatible mods from steam workshop.

Kotor 2 armor restriction mod